
JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Puri Kauhan Ubud Foundation as well as the Presidential Special Staff Coordinator AAGN Ari Dwipayana considered it very important to read the Balinese calendar (wariga) from science and technology. The reason is that so far, people tend to see it from a cultural, mystical, magical, religious perspective that touches the taste. But actually, wariga also talks about the ratio. There is a dimension of the ratio that we raise in a discussion that is systematic in nature," said Ari in his statement at the Wariga Usadha Siddhi Festival event in Taman Baca, Sangggingan Ubud, Bali, Saturday, July 8. He hopes that the speakers in the event which has an academic background in the field of astronomy, can reveal how the current astronomical developments are relevant to the local wisdom of Balinese citizens. Ari also hopes that the public can preserve warigas not only following tradition, but also based on science and technology. Hopefully we will in the future preserve the wargaya not only following tradition, but also based on science and technology. So that Balinese citizens can answer contemporary issues," said Ari. The interesting thing about the discussion session arises questions related to current climate change, namely when it was supposed to be the dry season, but instead heavy rains poured throughout the day. According to ITB Astronomist Ferry Mukharradi Simatupang assesses climate change (climatute change) and global warming (global warming) occurs because of human actions themselves. The energy we receive from the sun is more trapped than what should be absorbed," he said, quoted by Antara.

Ari menilai hal itu karena penyebabnya efek rumah kaca, karena gas karbon yang dipantulkan tidak bisa ke luar, sehingga dipantulkan kembali ke bumi.Asisten Ahli Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam ITB itu menilai perubahan iklim ini juga mengakibatkan badai yang harusnya biasa saja, saat ini daya rusaknya relatif tinggi,“April ini harusnya musim kemarau. Juli ternyata masih hujan. Ini akibat siklus iklim kita terganggu oleh energi yang terperangkap di bumi yang akan mempengaruhi pula perhitungan kalender," kata dia.Hal senada diungkapkan Ni Made Ayu bahwa pemanasan global terjadi karena langit dipenuhi polusi asap kendaraan dan asap pabrik.Menurut dia, Karbon dioksida (Co2) dan Nitrogen terperangkap berkumpul di atas, ada turbulensi udara, maka cuaca akan semakin ekstrem.

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