JAKARTA - When you order items online from a faraway place, tracking the whereabouts of your package is very important. In addition to ensuring your package is delivered safely, you can also estimate the time of arrival.
But, did you know if you can track the package using only Gmail? If not, then VOI will provide a way.
Enable Gmail To Track Plans
Launching Makeuseof, Google has announced this tracking feature since November 2022. However, this option was disabled by default. Therefore, to enable the Gmail Package Tracking feature, follow the following steps:
What To Expect After Package Tracking Is Activated
After activating the Package Tracking feature, Gmail will extract delivery information from tracking numbers in your email and display the status of the package in the inbox.
From that email, you can view it in text below every email, which shows an estimated delivery date.
Currently, this Package Tracking feature is only available in the Gmail app for mobile devices. However, Google has confirmed that this feature will be available in the web application in the future.
Google also aims to prioritize emails related to delayed packets, and make sure they are displayed at the top of your inbox and reduce the chances of you skipping important updates on your delivery.
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