
JAKARTA - Microsoft has quietly raised the limit of Bing Chat daily chat turns to 200 and the limit per session at 20. Not a few users are aware of this.

The change was later confirmed by Microsoft's Vice President for Bing's Growth and Distribution team, Michael Schechter via his official Twitter account.

"We're testing 20/200 this weekend to see how things go," tweeted @Mikeschechter.

At first, Microsoft only set 5 shifts per session and 50 chats per day. However, the company has since made significant updates to the chatbot and improved it even more.

Recently, Microsoft rolled out the Bing Chat chat turn limit to 150 from 120, while the turn limit per session was increased to 15.

Even so, Schechter stressed the increase in the daily limit may only be temporary and Microsoft could bring it back to the 150 per 15 round limit.

Going forward, it is hoped that the company will be able to establish Bing Chat without daily chat limits. This was quoted from Onmsft, Tuesday, March 28.

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