
JAKARTA - Microsoft subsidiary LinkedIn has just added more Artificial Intelligence (AI) elements to its platform. This tool will generate content for user profiles and job descriptions.

AI on LinkedIn can scan a user's profile for skills, and experience and spit out suggested copies or job descriptions to add to other profile sections.

Tap the "Start" button, choose what you want the user to create, and the system will display a LinkedIn profile summary based on the user's info, and a sample of millions of user entries.

The company recommends that users should review and edit what the AI ​​tool generates to ensure the data is accurate and aligned with the user experience.

In addition, the recruitment process will also be streamlined. Where recruiters can provide information about the role, including title and company name. LinkedIn's AI tool will generate a description that a hiring manager can then edit.

LinkedIn's own recruiting system has been using AI tools to suggest candidates for years, as quoted from The Verge, Friday, March 17.

The profile and job description tools are just the latest in a series of AI-powered features the company announced recently.

Early last month, LinkedIn said it would use an AI system to generate requests for collaborative articles, which could be contributed by human users.

LinkedIn will begin testing the tool starting today and extending access to all LinkedIn Premium subscribers over the next few months.

For your information, Microsoft has poured billions of dollars into OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT and the underlying GPT model that LinkedIn tools use today.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by