Twitter's New Policy On The Ukraine Conflict, Labeling Unretweeted Unlawful Tweets
Twitter puts a special label on misleading tweets. (photo; doc. pixabay)


JAKARTA - Twitter Inc will start placing warning notices in front of some misleading content regarding the conflict in Ukraine. The social media company, Thursday, May 19, also immediately restricted the spread of claims denied by humanitarian groups or other credible sources.

The increase in misinformation surrounding Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which Moscow calls a "special military operation," is part of a new policy outlining how Twitter will closely monitor misinformation during a crisis.

These social media platforms are facing increased scrutiny over how they determine and handle misinformation. Twitter has agreed to be acquired by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who said early on that he believed the site should become a free speech platform.

This new warning notification will remind users that their tweet violates Twitter rules, but will still allow people to view and comment. The platform will not amplify or recommend such tweets and retweets will also be disabled.

"That approach could be a more effective way of intervening to prevent harm, while still preserving and protecting speech on Twitter," Yoel Roth, head of security and integrity at Twitter, told media.

The company will prioritize adding labels to misleading tweets from high-profile accounts such as verified users or official government profiles. This policy will also prioritize content that can harm people on the ground.

Twitter says it defines a crisis as a situation in which there is a widespread threat to life, physical safety, health or basic livelihoods. The policy will initially focus on international armed conflicts but will also address events such as mass shootings or natural disasters.

"While the timeline for this work began before the war in Ukraine broke out, the need for this policy became a clearer focus as the conflict in Ukraine progressed," Roth said.

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