
JAKARTA - There are many ways to make money from the Internet. Becoming a YouTuber is a path that seems easy at first glance. But only a small number of those who take this path are successful.

Creating a successful YouTube channel is a challenging task. You have to commit to uploading videos consistently for a long time. However, if your channel takes off, you can get an additional revenue stream. In this article, VOI will cover how much YouTube pays for views, as excerpted from MakeUsOf.

How Much Does YouTube Pay Per View?

To get paid from YouTube, you must first qualify for monetization. This requires at least 1.000 subscribers and 4.000 hours of watch time. Big enough for a less viral video. But for videos that go viral immediately, you can get them on the first post.

On Youtube, there is also no fixed salary for YouTubers. Each channel makes a different amount of money. It depends on how big and how many viewers they have. Let's take a look at what factors influence how much YouTube pays YouTubers, before discussing how much the platform pays per view.


Viewers must watch the ad for at least 30 seconds to count as a view. This is an important factor because it means you don't get paid for every view your video gets.

Viewers must stick around and watch the ad for at least 30 seconds (or half of the ad if the ad is short) for your channel to get paid for it. There's not much you can do in this aspect, except hope that YouTube shows your audience entertaining ads so they watch a good portion of it.

The second factor is that YouTube has different CPMs for different audiences. CPM stands for cost per mille and represents the amount advertisers pay for every 1,000 ad views. These CPM differences are region-based, and display ads from different countries pay different amounts. Countries with high CPM are Norway and the UK.

Finally, the more views you get, the more likely people are to watch the ads on your videos. Then the more money you will get from YouTube.

With this in mind, let's calculate how much YouTube pays per view on average.

Simple Count

YouTube charges contractors an average of $0.18 per view. YouTube pays 68% of this rate to YouTubers through AdSense. This is a very good rate, because it means you will get 0.12 US dollars for each view and 122 US dollars for every 1000 views!

At a more granular level, the numbers are not always that simple. Some people use ad blockers, and most of those who see ads skip it in the first seconds. For this reason, among other things, the actual payout per view of a YouTube video is 0.003 (IDR 43) to USD 0.005 (IDR 71). This means a YouTuber earns 3 (IDR 43 thousand) to 5 per US dollar (IDR 71 thousand) for every 1.000 views their video gets.

You can use the AdSense revenue calculator to get a rough estimate of how much you can earn annually from YouTube. Estimates from Google's calculator can be very tempting, so be sure to weigh the pros and cons of being a YouTuber before you decide for sure. It can be a tough journey, and failure is not impossible.

More Views, More Money

YouTube pays a fixed amount of money per view, but even so, YouTubers themselves don't make the same amount. This is because the total amount that YouTubers pay through YouTube depends on how many views they get and where their audience is coming from.

The exact amount paid per view cannot be calculated, as viewers are from different countries and regions. However, the average estimate is that YouTube pays 0.003 to 0.005 per view.

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