
JAKARTA - Big data has become a trend in the business world in this digital era. Nutanix Country Manager Fetra Syahbana revealed that big data processing is used to support company optimization.

In the Selular Congress 2022 Webinar, Tuesday, March 29, Fetra explained that there are three types of data that you should know about in big data processing.

The first data is structured data, structured data is the type of well-organized data that you find in relational databases with regular, well-defined, and typed fields such as customer name, account number, phone number, product purchased, date of purchase, etc.

“Structured data is most often managed using relational databases and analyzed with traditional business intelligence tools,” says Fetra.

The next data is unstructured data. This type of data is not easy to manage in a relational database, extracting values from it requires a different set of tools.

In addition, unstructured data must be stored in a special format because it does not have a specific structure. "It's not as easy as processing structural data, this unstructured data needs several processing times," he explained.

The third type of data is semi-structured data. This type of data has a level of structure but does not have a well-defined schema of a structured database. Email messages are an example of semi-structured data

Fetra says that about 90 percent of enterprise data is unstructured, and the gap between the amount of structured and unstructured data is likely to widen even further. This is why big data tools that can help understand unstructured data are so important.

In addition, Fetra continued, big data processing can also reduce complexity, increase efficiency, and lower operational costs with the implementation process which only takes a matter of minutes.

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