
JAKARTA - Air quality in Jakarta occupies the fifth position as the city with the worst air in the world on Monday, September 11. Based on data from the IQAir air quality monitoring site at 06.30 WIB, the air quality index (AQI) in Jakarta is at 151 or falls into the unhealthy category with PM2.5 air pollution and a concentration value of 56.2 micrograms per cubic meter. The figure has an explanation of the level of air quality is unhealthy because it can harm humans or groups of animals that are sensitive or can cause damage to plants or aesthetic values. While the category is either the air quality level that does not have an effect on human or animal health and does not affect plants, buildings or aesthetic values with a PM2.5 range of 0-50.

Then, the moderate category is the air quality which does not affect human or animal health but affects plants that are sensitive and aesthetic value with a PM2.5 range of 51-100.

Then, the category is very unhealthy with a PM2.5 range of 200-299 or its air quality can be detrimental to health in a number of segments of the exposed population. Finally, it is dangerous (300-500) or in general its air quality can harm the population's serious health.

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Developers (PDPOTJI), dr. Ingrid Tania, M.Si (Herbal), Dr. (Cand.) said the application of a healthy lifestyle and taking supplements and herbal plants can help overcome the bad effects of air pollution on the body.

"My advice is to implement a healthy daily lifestyle because the management of air pollution, especially the impact on health, is that overall management in addition to wearing masks as well as the implementation of a healthy lifestyle," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Monday, September 11.

Ingrid said that air pollution impact management must start from a balanced nutritious diet. In addition, adequate rest is also needed to give the body time to get back in shape.

Inggrid also suggests doing regular physical activities to maintain body fitness.

"Do physical activity every day half an hour. If the air quality is not good outside, it can be done inside the house, for example, exercise activities inside the house or cleaning the house for 30 minutes will also help," he said.

Inggrid further said stress management also plays a key role in dealing with air pollution. Stress can weaken the immune system, so it is important to find ways to reduce it.

Meditation, yoga, or activities that provide comfort can help manage stress effectively. He also advised the public to take supplements if the diet they were on was not balanced enough.

Vitamins A, C, E, and D3, along with zinc minerals, can provide extra support in dealing with air pollution conditions. Consumption of herbal plants can also protect oneself from the negative health impacts caused by air pollution,

Inggrid said some herbs have proven effective in dealing with the impact of air pollution. Antioxidant Herbals have an important role in protecting body cells from damage caused by free radicals in polluted air.

In addition, herbs with immunomodulator properties can balance the immune response, while herbs with adaptogenic properties help the body adapt to stress from the external and internal environment because it keeps the hormone system balanced.

When the body is affected by the health of air pollution, anti-inflammatory herbs become important. This includes herbs that relieve cough complaints, disturbed breathing, or even fever.

Some of the herbs that have been shown to be effective include habbatubatusuda, which is often mixed with pure honey or olive oil, as well as propolis.

In addition, various herbal ingredients that combine spices such as ginger, turmeric, temulawak, cloves, and black pepper can also provide great benefits in conditioning the body to be stronger in the face of increasing air pollution.

"All the spices turned out to be useful in dissipating our bodies to be stronger in dealing with air pollution," he concluded.

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