JAKARTA - The electric car market in Indonesia is getting more and more excited, the proof is that many new brands enter and offer a variety of quite interesting models.
Although many new brands have entered, especially from China, it turns out that the selling price of used electric cars itself can drop drastically, even every month prices are often revised.
"There is a brand whose selling price can go down every month, starting from Rp. 10-11 million," said COO (Chief Operating Officer) for Car Expenditure Azka Maulana, when met in the Mangga Dua area, North Jakarta, Thursday, December 12.
There are several other reasons that make the price of the used electric car itself often drop. Azka said that there is a war on prices for one of the reasons.
It also has an impact on people who are increasingly confused when the right time to buy electric cars, especially since there is widespread news that the price of the battery is almost half the price of the car.
"For example, the price at the launch is high, in a few months the new price has dropped, it can even fall again, it will not happen in less than a year," he added.
Azka added that the unclear (lowing prices) policy could be a stumbling block for used electric cars, which is decreasing, and is not very attractive.
Indeed, at this time, various brands from China continue to arrive at the Indonesian automotive market which is classified as sexy. In fact, not a few sell electric cars at a fairly competitive price.
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