Choosing sunscreens suitable for acne skin is often a challenge for many people. The improper use of products can worsen acne conditions or cause skin irritation.
According to DR. dr. IGN Darmaputra, SpKK(K), a skin health expert, physical type sunscreen is the best choice for acne or skin susceptible to acne.
"Physical sunscreen with ingredients such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide is the main recommendation for acne skin," explained dr. Darmaputra in his statement on Friday.
However, if the physical sunscreen texture is considered uncomfortable, he suggests choosing sunscreen that combines physical and chemical materials.
"It is important to ensure that the ingredients in the sunscreen do not trigger acne or cause irritation," he added.
The ideal sunscreen for acne skin should have "non-comeogenic" and "non-acnegenic" labels on its packaging. This claim shows that the product is designed to prevent clogging pores or triggering new acne.
In addition to the content, the texture of sunscreen must also be considered. Acne skin usually matches the sunscreen with light gel or lotion texture because it is easy to absorb and does not leave a sticky taste.
In terms of acne treatment, skincare-based makeup products are now increasingly in demand. This approach uses the dermatological formula to handle acne problems thoroughly, takes care of the skin from the root of the problem while maintaining long-term health.
This dermatological-based approach differs from instant solutions that only offer temporary results. These products are designed not only to reduce acne but also to improve skin texture and reduce acne-stained stains.
In addition, access to dermatological consultations is now easier, allowing individuals to get more targeted care and in accordance with their skin needs.
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