
YOGYAKARTA Have you ever found a smell-and-train brakebase on the car? The condition didn't happen for no reason. Vehicle owners should know what is the cause of the smell of fire because the brakes are on fire.

Did you know that the increase in the temperature on the brake camp made the surface harden to the point of friction. When that happens it will cause a smell of fire. The increase in the temperature in the brake camp itself can be caused by various reasons. Here are some triggers for the smell brake camp.

The appearance of a smell of fire in the brake camp area can occur because the intensity of using the brakes is quite high. Usually this happens when motorists drive vehicles on mountain tracks which are dominated by derivatives and inclines. In addition, the use of brakes that is often excessive is also often done when driving in areas with heavy traffic.

One of the tips to reduce the use of high brakes so that brake camps don't burn is to take advantage of the low transmission gear or braking system in machines called engine brakes. This system is very helpful to keep vehicles down the streets down. The machine will help hold vehicles going slower. Unfortunately, these tips only apply to manual transmission vehicles.

For automatic transmission vehicles, motorists can stop in a fairly flat area before continuing their journey. The break time is used to cool the brake camp.

The smell of smell can also appear because of the new brake camp. This happens because the surface of the brake camp is still thick so that friction occurs after installation. If that happens, vehicle users don't have to worry because the smell of calming will slowly disappear after the brakes are used several times.

The aroma of fire will also appear when there is oil or oil leaking in the wheel area. The leak usually occurs in the Kaliper brake area. Even when oil or oil catch fire, it will be accompanied by thin smoke. To avoid this, treat the brake component regularly.

Vehicle owners are advised to have knowledge of what solutions can be done to avoid burning brake camps that cause the smell of fire, which is as follows.

Checking the brake components regularly is very important. The reason is, brakes are very important to ensure the safety of drivers and vehicle passengers. Checking can be done during routine service. Try to check the thickness of the brake camp, also check other components such as the disk.

Driving techniques also affect brake performance, especially when drivers put too much brake on the streets. In addition, do not overuse brakes.

The poor habits of drivers placing the legs on the brake pedal can also trigger the smell of the brakes. The reason is, placing the legs on the brake pedal makes the brakes work continuously so that unconsciously the axion continues to rub all the way.

That's information related to the odor brake camp. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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