
JAKARTA - In the past month, some areas in Indonesia have experienced a hot hot temperature phenomenon, even based on data from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), hot temperatures in several areas can reach 38 degrees Celsius during the day.

This condition must of course be a concern for every user of two wheels, where when the weather is hot, there are certainly many challenges faced, including dehydration or lack of body fluids.

"For this reason, it is recommended to regulate the duration of driving," said Sony Susmana, a senior founder and teacher at the Safety Defense Consultant Indonesia (SDCI), to VOI, Tuesday, October 3.

For information, when the body lacks fluids, the volume of blood and blood pressure can drop drastically. This causes vital organs in the body not to get enough oxygen and nutrients needed.

As a result, a person can feel tremendous fatigue, excessive thirst, and anxiety that can interfere with concentration while riding a motorcycle.

Sony suggested that motorcyclists set their driving time well, with a maximum driving duration of about 30 minutes to 1 hour. This aims to avoid the problems mentioned above.

"Always take the time to rest while traveling, and make sure you consume enough water to avoid dehydration and the risk of stroke due to heat," he added.

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