
JAKARTA - This story is not only about racing, but also about the sophistication of today's MotoGP racing world and the world's fastest super electric car. This can be a reflection of how technology and innovation continue to develop, both in the automotive world and motorcycle racing.

In the spirit of presenting an unusual battle between racing bikes and the world's fastest electric cars, a team from Car Wow contacted the KTM MotoGP team and asked them to bring their newest racing bike along with MotoGP legend Dani Pedrosa.

To add to the excitement of the race, reported by Carscoop, August 30, this fight became even more interesting with the presence of Suzuki Hayabusa who had been given a supercharger as another challenger.

This scenario creates an interesting moment when the experience and expertise of a racer is supported by the ability of his motorbike to compete with advanced car technology.

It is known that the KTM motorbike designed for MotoGP has 270 dk of power, a figure much lower than the speed monster, Rimac Nevera, which has 1,914 dk of power. However, what makes it interesting is that this bike weighs less than 1/10 of the weight of the Nevera car.

It is known, Rimac Nevera is the fastest electric car today, capable of reaching acceleration 0-100 km/hour within 1.81 seconds and 0-300 km/hour within 9.22 seconds.

At the time of the race, KTM and Dani Pedrosa had designed a careful strategy and took advantage of the advanced technology behind their racing bike. One of the advantages is the system used by all MotoGP motors today, which can lower the front and back to increase traction at start and eliminate the risk of wheelies.

This technology ultimately gives Pedrosa the opportunity to compete with the very fast Nevera. The modified Suzuki does not have the system so it lags behind its two competitors.

The second race was even tighter between Rimac and KTM. Once again, the electric car had an advantage at the start, but as the speed accelerated, KTM began to approach. Unfortunately, KTM could not overtake Rimac and crossed a quarter mile in 8.6 seconds compared to 8.5 seconds Rimac. Meanwhile, the Suzuki powered by turbo takes 9.6 seconds.

Surprisingly, Rimac and KTM are also very balanced in rolling races and remain almost the same until speed above 330 km/h. KTM motorcycles won the first half-mile race, but in the second race, Rimac only won a little.

This proves that the KTM racing motorbike for MotoGP has extraordinary performance and can provide fierce competition for super fast cars such as Rimac Nevera.

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