
In facing the 2024 presidential election, there is more speculation about presidential and vice presidential candidates that will run. Currently, there are three names that are often referred to as presidential candidates, namely Ganjar Pranowo, Prabowo Subianto, and Anies Baswedan. Prabowo Subianto, who currently serves as Minister of Defense and General Chair of the Gerindra Party, previously ran for presidential candidates in the 2014 and 2019 presidential elections.

If the name of the presidential candidate has been officially announced, until now, at least until this writing is published, there is no certainty about who will be the vice presidential candidate to accompany Prabowo or other presidential candidates. Many names are referred to as potential vice presidential candidates to pair the three candidates.

For Prabowo Subianto, one of the names that is often mentioned is Muhaimin Iskandar, the General Chair of PKB, who together with Gerindra formed the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition (KKIR). In addition, Airlangga Hartarto, the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs who also serves as the General Chair of the Golkar Party, is also considered a potential figure to be Prabowo's companion.

The latest survey conducted by the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) in April and May 2023 shows that the Prabowo-Airlangga pair have strong potential in the 2024 presidential election. They excel in 2 rounds of presidential election simulations, both in the first and second rounds, with significant votes.

However, although the Prabowo and Airlangga Hartarto pairs are considered potential, there are still some considerations to consider. First, there are other vice presidential candidates who also have the potential to be elected as Prabowo pairs. Second, several political parties have not officially determined their support for the Prabowo-Airlangga pair, including the Golkar Party led by Airlangga Hartarto himself. Although there are whispers, a number of figures within Golkar do want the chairman to generally become vice president accompanying Prabowo as a presidential candidate.

Prabowo and Airlangga continue to hold meetings with other political figures to seek support and discuss strategies in the 2024 presidential election. It is known that Prabowo has recently been diligent in meeting various figures. Likewise, Airlangga. The general chairman of Golkar also often meets a number of parties, including political party officials. He is known to have had a meeting with the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, who is also considered a potential candidate.

In choosing a vice presidential candidate, Prabowo must consider not only electability, but also integrity, ability, and support of political parties. The final decision regarding the vice presidential candidate is still going through a long and complex process, including in establishing a coalition with other political parties.

If the Prabowo - Airlangga pair is realized and for example has electability and gets support from a number of political parties, such as Gerindra, Golkar, and PKB, if Muhaimin Iskandar is the General Chair of PKB legowo, their success in the 2024 presidential election will not only depend on this factor. They need to have a mature strategy and be able to invite all Indonesian people to choose them as the new leaders of the country.

Also keep in mind, apart from Muhaimin Iskandar and Airlangga Hartarto, there are still several other names who are often mentioned as potential vice presidential candidates who can accompany Prabowo Subianto. One of them is Mahfud MD, the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court who currently serves as Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. Mahfud MD is considered a figure who has good integrity and the ability to make strategic decisions.

In addition, Gatot Nurmantyo, the former TNI Commander, is also often referred to as a potential vice presidential candidate. He is considered a figure who has the courage to make decisions and is able to face various challenges. Meanwhile, Muhaimin Iskandar, who is the general chairman of the PKB, is seen as having the potential to gain votes from NU and Islam. Or also the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, who is considered to be able to gain votes from East Java.

However, the final decision regarding the candidate for vice president Prabowo Subianto still has to go through a long and complex process. Prabowo needs to consider the interests and support of various parties involved, including political parties that are his coalition partners.

In establishing a political coalition, Prabowo and his team must maintain a balance between getting enough support to win, while considering the election of vice presidential candidates who have the power and ability to equip themselves as presidential candidates.

In the end, whoever is elected as vice presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 presidential election, their success depends on hard work, community support, and a mature strategy. A long and complex political process will continue until the final decision is taken. The Indonesian people must wait and see further political developments to find out who will be Prabowo's partner in the 2024 presidential election battle. It is still very dynamic and full of surprises. So who is the vice president who accompanies Prabowo?

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