
This year the highlight of the National Press Day event is commemorated in Medan City, North Sumatra. With the theme "Free Press, Dignified Democracy", the highlight of the HPN event on February 9, 2023, will be attended by President Joko Widodo and an exhibition that shows the development of the Indonesian press over three centuries.

Press in this digital era is indeed full of challenges. Many print media fall. Digital media also has a lot to do with efficiency. Advertising, which is the main source of revenue, continues to decline. Plus the onslaught of social media. The fate of the media is increasingly apprehensive.

Journalism, which used to be a proud profession, is getting worse and worse. Setting up digital media or online is very easy. No one knows for sure the number of online media. But it is believed to be in the tens of thousands. Starting from those that are verified by the Press Council and those that are not.

The press used to be exalted as the fourth pillar of democracy but in fact, the Journalistic Code of Ethics (KEJ), which serves as a guide, is often violated. Article one which reads "Indonesian journalists behave independently, produce news that is accurate, balanced and not in bad faith". This independent attitude towards anyone including capital owners. However, at this time, who is a journalist who dares to go against the owners of capital? In fact, not a few actually the press has become a mouthpiece or arena for defending the interests of capital owners.

It is undeniable that the rise of digital technology has changed the way humans produce, share, and consume news. Anyone can now produce news through their social media. Information that is viral on social media is a source of news. Not even a few mainstream media also use social media as a news reference.

In the midst of a flood of information, the power of the press may lose to social media. In fact, information often appears on social media faster than the mainstream media. Oftentimes, something that goes viral on social media has a big impact. Not infrequently so the power to change or suppress something.

The challenge now is not to let social media become a social control tool that replaces the press. For this reason, journalists and the press must continue to play a role in providing reliable information. Presenting quality news. It is important for the press to continue to ensure that it publishes news and information that is accurate, verifiable, and trustworthy.

The press must ensure that the information provided is not affected by personalization algorithms that limit the user's view. Must also consider the negative impact of publishing content such as bullying, harassment, and discrimination.

Journalists themselves must maintain ethical standards and professionalism. Stay focused on producing quality content. Seek news from a variety of sources and perspectives to ensure that a variety of voices and views are heard. Be responsible and open about how information is collected, verified, and published.

Primarily journalists must continue to improve their knowledge and skills through education and training. Stay abreast of technology and media industry developments to ensure journalists stay relevant and competitive. And, normatively, press organizations play a role in encouraging this. Especially PWI which is the largest and oldest journalist professional organization. Congratulations on National Press Day.

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