
JAKARTA - Flood management is often a test for every Jakarta leader. The Governor-Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) have experienced it. All strategies are perpetuated. The idea of making a Ciliwung River Sodetan (Waterway Diversion) was implemented.

The owner then collaborated with the PUPR Ministry. Land acquisition is DKI Jakarta's business, while the PUPR Ministry is in charge of development. However, land acquisition matters were too difficult so the project stalled for several years.

Flood disasters often challenge the promises or programs of the new Governor-Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta. Jokowi-Ahok are no exception. The Jakarta leader was hailed as a savior. Alias, Jakarta's new carrier of hope is able to be free from flooding.

Jokowi-Ahok then perpetuated many breakthroughs. However, neither of these sounds optimal. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) also stepped in to provide an idea. SBY asked Jokowi-Ahok to build the Ciliwung River-East Flood Canal (KBT).

SBY thinks that the construction of the Ciliwung River Sodetan is considered capable of reducing the flood discharge in Jakarta. This is because the sewerage will divert the Ciliwung River water to the KBT at the rate of 60 cubic meters per second. Jokowi-Ahok also supports him.

President, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, and PUPR Minister, Basuki Hadimuljono when inaugurating the Ciliwung River Sodetan (Waterway Diversion), July 31, 2023. (Ministry of PUPR)

The DKI Jakarta government was finally directed to collaborate with the PUPR Ministry. The collaboration made both of them share roles. The DKI Jakarta government is carrying out land acquisition. While the PUPR Ministry is carrying out its task of building the Ciliwung River Sodetan.

The collaboration started in 2013 and is predicted to be completed in 2015. The starting point (inlet) of the waterway diversion is in Bidara Cina, then the end (outlet) is in Kebon Nanas, East Jakarta. Budget matters are not a problem. The DPR RI's budget agency has approved a figure for building a water canal of more than IDR 500 billion.

"With the approval of such a large budget for the construction of the Ciliwung River Sodetan (a project by cutting off the flow of the Ciliwung River so that the water flow can be diverted to the East Flood Canal), Ahok is happy. Everything is because the DPR did not make things difficult but expedite the plan for the construction of the Ciliwung River Sodetan.”

"With the approval of the construction of the Ciliwung River Sodetan with adequate budget support, it is hoped that the construction of the Ciliwung River Sodetan can be completed within 2 years. After two years of work, Ahok hopes that by 2014 or 2015 the Ciliwung River Sodetan can be used to control flooding in the capital city of Jakarta," explained Ismantoro Dwi Yuwono and friends in the book Gara-Gara Ahok: Dari Kegaduhan Ke Kegaduhan (2017) .

Land Acquisition Becomes a Constraint

The hope that the Ciliwung River Sodetan project will be able to deal with Jakarta flooding has emerged in the minds of those in power. However, the process of completing the project is a delicate matter. Land acquisition then emerged as a problem.

At that time, the task of acquiring land was under Ahok's command as the new Governor of DKI Jakarta. The transfer of power is because Jokowi has become the elected President of Indonesia. Ahok agreed with the difficulty of perpetuating land acquisition.

Ahok saw for himself how the Chinese Bidara residents objected to their land being used to build the Ciliwung River Sodetan inlet. Moreover, the DKI Jakarta government is considered to have determined the location unilaterally without outreach and information regarding compensation to residents.

The difficulties became even worse when all the residents of Bidara Cina filed two lawsuits regarding their land acquisition. The first lawsuit was directed to the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN). The second lawsuit is a class action lawsuit to the Jakarta High Court.

The Goddess of Fortune also sided with the Chinese Bidara residents. PTUN Jakarta won them. The courts of first and second instance also won the Chinese bidara. As a result, the DKI Jakarta Government had no choice but to cancel the designation of the land belonging to Chinese Bidara residents.

Ciliwung River Sodetan (Waterway Diversion). (PR Setkab/Rahmat)

The DKI Jakarta government did not accept the cassation. However, the appeal was withdrawn by Anies Baswedan, who replaced Ahok as the new Governor of DKI Jakarta in 2019. Anies preferred to comply with the Jakarta Administrative Court decision by providing compensation for residents' land and buildings.

The compensation includes IDR 25 million per square meter of land and IDR 3 million per square meter of buildings. The irony is that until Anies's position ended, this project was not finished.

The Ciliwung Sodetan (Waterway Diversion) Project only got a bright spot in the era of the Acting (PJ) Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono. He handled all kinds of compensation matters. In the end, the Ciliwung Sodetan (Waterway Diversion) project was successfully inaugurated on July 31, 2023.

"With the completion of the Ciliwung Sodetan plus the Ciawi and Sukamahi Dams, the normalization of the Ciliwung River and the East Flood Canal can solve at least 62 percent of the flood problems in Jakarta. There is still another 38 percent that must be worked on jointly by the PUPR Ministry and the DKI Provincial Government," said the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. President Jokowi when inaugurating the Ciliwung Sodetan project, as quoted on the PUPR Ministry website, July 31, 2023.

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