
JAKARTA – Today's History, 22 years ago, June 4, 2000, Bengkulu was hit by a terrible earthquake. The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.3 on the Richter Scale (SR). That is, the shaking power of the earthquake is quite large. In fact, it can destroy many things.

Victims fell. 94 people died, and thousands more were injured. The buildings that were damaged were no less. Tens of thousands of buildings, from schools to places of worship were badly damaged. Therefore, the earthquake in 2000 became an event that cannot be forgotten in Bengkulu people's memory.

An earthquake with a large magnitude has approached Bengkulu. The Meteorology and Geophysics Agency recorded the magnitude of the earthquake at 7.3 on the Richter Scale. As a result, Bengkulu residents scattered out of their homes and scrambled to open places at night.

Moreover, the tremor had made all Bengkulu residents panicked because the earthquake could provoke a tsunami wave. As a result, everyone was in a panic. The tremor was felt as far as Padang, Palembang, Lampung, and the Jakarta area. Many people survived. However, the victims are not small.

Illustration of a seismograph, a device that records earthquake vibrations. (Unsplash)

The death toll reached 94 people, while thousands more were injured. The buildings that were damaged were no less. The damage was in the tens of thousands. From houses, shops, shop houses, schools, to houses of worship.

Even so, not a few buildings are also resistant to earthquake shocks. Fort Marlborough, for example. This British heritage fort looks solid. There was also no significant damage due to the earthquake that hit Fort Marlborough.

“Even one corner of the fort overlooking the sea has now been turned into a garbage dump. This condition makes the fort that is very strong looks dirty. The strength of this fort was tested when an earthquake occurred in Bengkulu in 2000, unlike thousands of other buildings in Bengkulu, the Fort Marlborough fort did not suffer significant damage," wrote the Kompas Daily report entitled Benteng Marlborough Kurang Terawat (2003).

Another impact of the Bengkulu Earthquake was the high rate of premature births, or the birth of a baby is faster than usual.

Illustration of building damage due to earthquake. (Between)

It was alleged that the mother of the baby was under high stress due to the earthquake. All because of the earthquake that took place at night. After all, the shock was strong enough to cause trauma.

“Gemini's first cry broke after the earthquake in Bengkulu. The name Gemini is used by his father, Ujang, as an abbreviation of: earthquake tonight. The baby girl from Tais Village, Slumang, North Bengkulu, was born two weeks earlier than previously estimated. Gemini was born in front of the village midwife's house, which was shaking violently from the earthquake."

“It's not just Gemini whose birth was hastened by the earthquake on June 4, 2000, in the early hours of that day. According to the Woman Crisis Center in Bengkulu, at least 10 women gave birth suddenly when the 7.3 magnitude earthquake occurred, possibly due to stress from the earthquake, said Nurmi, Head of the Midwifery Room at the Dr. General Hospital. M. Yunus, Bengkulu," concluded Agung Rulianto and Fadilasari in a Tempo Magazine report entitled Bayi Prematur Akibat Gempa (Premature Babies Due to the Earthquake, 2000).

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