
JAKARTA - A young singer who graduated from the Indonesian Idol event, Nabila Taqiyyah released her latest single entitled Ku Wants to separate.

Through his latest single, the singer from Banda Aceh collaborated with Clara Riva as a songwriter, and S/EEEK as a music producer.

Nabila explained, "I want to separate from telling the unclearness of a person from a relationship that is being carried out, and finally ends with a breakup."

This song tells the story of someone who feels tired because they are constantly in an unclear relationship because their partner has changed and doesn't appreciate it as before. This feeling of fatigue finally made the person decide that he wanted to separate and end this painful relationship," said Nabila Taqiyyah in her statement, Friday, November 22.

Nuansa sendu is clearly visible in this song, where the accompaniment of the nylon guitar and piano makes every word spoken by Nabila clear.

Pre-released Ku Want to Separate who had occupied the trending position of YouTube was also followed by video clips which were also trending.

After 12 hours of release on YouTube, the video clip Ku Wants to separate from Nabila Taqiyyah has been watched 272 thousand times.

Meanwhile, the video clip Ku Want to separate shows a story presented through song lyrics. This is also the first experience for Nabila in making a video clip.

MV ini punya cerita yang kuat. Bahkan ketika adegan cry itu aku cry ungsung dan bukan menggunakan alihan matasan saking melinya ceritanya. Kalau disur pilih partang favorit, mungkin part ketika saya mereton foto masa menjadinya dengan Raka, sang tokoh utama laki-laki. Foto itu menyimpan banyak memori dari kecil hingga dewasa dan membolis keberatihan, tutur Nabila Taqiyyah.

"Hopefully the message can be conveyed, especially for friends who have or are experiencing a situation like in the song, hopefully it inspires you to find the best solution," he said.

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