
JAKARTA - Muhammad Gibran Aziz alias Ibank once expressed his desire to return with Element. He made this statement when he was a guest on the YouTube channel Ferdy ELEMENT some time ago.

Responding to Ibank's wish, Element also received back the bass player who had joined the band since 1999.

Ferdy Tahier (vocals), through his Instagram account, also welcomed Ibank's return to Element.

"THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN. Welcome home bangi," wrote Ferdy Tahier in his uploaded statement, Friday, October 20.

Ibank's return to Element was confirmed by Irwan Aditya Pratama alias Adit (guitar). He stated that Ibank returned to playing bass as an additional player.

"Yes, as an additional member for a while," said Adit via text message to VOI.

"While time goes by, slowly," he added.

For information, Ibank is considered by the Element personnel to have taken unprofessional actions. In 2018, he disappeared before the release of the song he composed himself.

"After the element of the reunion, the last moment made me and the children hurt, now it's not," said Ferdy Tahier on his YouTube channel.

"We are carrying out your song, Perih because of Cinta. We made a song launch, which is your song, suddenly you can't come," he continued.

The incident, which was considered by Ferdy Tahier, made the personnel decide to remove Ibank from Elements in 2018.

"Finally Didi let you out. That's the peak, I can't blame the children too," concluded Ferdy Tahier.

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