
JAKARTA - Ariel NOAH revealed that Andika and Indra still receive royalties even though they have left the Peterpan band. This was revealed when he was a guest on the YouTube channel Ferdy ELEMENT.

Ariel said Andika and Indra were still receiving royalties because the remaining personnel at that time still used the name Peterpan as the band name.

"If we are on a gig using the name Peterpan, part of the income, we will still give the name royalties to Indra, to Andika. That is one of the label solutions," Ariel said, launching the YouTube channel Ferdy ELEMENT on Wednesday, October 18.

At that time, Ariel, Uki, Lukman and Reza as personnel remaining at Peterpan still had contracts with the label, therefore it was not easy to immediately change the name of the band.

The label at that time decided that Ariel cs should continue to use the name Peterpan until the contract is complete. Then, then they changed the band name.

"That's the best scenario from the label so that the band remains intact. The label at that time offered what if (the band's name was changed) until the album was finished," said Ariel.

"Anyone who holds the name Peterpan is obliged to complete the contract and will pay the rights name in its entirety," he continued.

Even though at that time the Peterpan personnel accepted the decision made with the label, Ariel actually felt that the distribution of royalties on behalf of Peterpan was something quite odd.

The reason is, Ariel feels that the name Peterpan does not belong to them, because the owner of the name has actually been used by Walt Disney as an animated title and character.

"The problem with the Peterpan name is actually a bit funny. I think personally, Peterpan's name doesn't belong to us. We don't have the right to say Peterpan belongs to us, because it's not the original of us. Peterpan owns Walt Disney," concluded Ariel.

For information, after Peterpan's contract was completed, Ariel, Uki, Lukman, Reza and David left the name Peterpan and officially used the name NOAH since 2012. The name continues to be used today.

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