JAKARTA - After completing the America's Got Talent 2023 event some time ago, Putri Ariani returned to the country last week.
Arriving in Indonesia, Putri Ariani visited SMKN 2 Kasihan, Bantul, who was formerly known as Yogyakarta Music Middle School, currently in school.
The moment Princess Ariani's arrival at school was uploaded to the official Instagram account of SMKN 2 Kasihan, @smmyogyakarta.
"Welcome back @arianinismaputri," wrote the account @smmyogyakarta, seen Monday, October 9.
"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen," he continued.
Because Putri was not present during the teaching and learning process, there were no students' activities. Even so, there were several teachers and students who welcomed the presence of Princess Ariani.
The Loneliness singer also took the time to play the flute, the major musical instrument he studied at SMKN 2 Kasihan.
For information, Princess Ariani is currently in grade 12, and is preparing for further studies at the university.
Some time ago, Princess Ariani also took the time to visit Theriad School, a performing art school located in New York, United States.
On many occasions, Putri Ariani did state that she wanted to continue her studies at Theriad School.
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