
JAKARTA - Indahkus has been in China for four months to hone her musical skills through the E-Pop Unity survival show program. Currently, he has returned to Indonesia.

Although it can be said that it was quite successful because it managed to penetrate the final round, Indahkus' journey in the program was not easy at all.

The medical college graduate felt the difference that made her experience a cultural concussion. In fact, I thought about ending his struggle early.

"I still remember the first two weeks I cried all the time because I was annoyed, because I didn't understand, because I really couldn't speak human language," said Indahkus via voice message to VOI last week.

"So, I really just came and I just learned the language of mandarin. I don't understand at all, I can't read the mandin script at all, so I'm annoyed," he continued.

Meanwhile, a strong determination to become a better musician and performer makes Indahkus survive. After the program, he also appeared in several events in China.

"But after going through it and living it, I feel very grateful and happy to finally get through it. I can imagine if for example I came back to Indonesia and passed those phases, I don't think I will get a lot of experience," said Indahkus.

The singer from Bandung even felt that the training system she was going through had made her a more complete singer.

"From all the training I've got, I feel like I can sing even better, it can be a better performer, can bring a better stage too, and can make the song as fast as a flash but the quality is maintained," said Indahkus.

"Those kinds of things, maybe I never knew, if it turns out that my songwriting skills can be honed up here, the results of training in this program," he concluded.

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