
Yogyakarta - Sepultura closed the heat wave of the Jogja ROKarta Festival 2023 on Saturday, September 30 through a series of loud and burning songs. That day, the Kridosono Stadium, Yogyakarta was made to burn.

Appearing as the cover for the 2023 Jogja ROKarta Festival, the thrash metal gang from Belo Horizonte, Brazil, who first came to Indonesia in 1992, poured out powerful numbers. Vocalist Derrick Green, guitarist Andreas Kisser, Paulo Jr. bassist, and drummer Eloy Casagrande brought Isolation, Territory,means to an End, Cairos, Propaganda, Refuse/Resist, to iconic song Roots Bloody Roots.

Their appearance left a big smile on the faces of the rockheads. Especially when Andreas appeared wearing a black shirt with the old HAI magazine logo. In 1992, Paulo Jr, who wore a similar shirt, and more than three decades later, Andreas repeated that moment.

It was noted that more than 6,000 rockheads from all over Indonesia played a major role in breaking the air of Yogyakarta with a class and a reference for the symbol of the devil s horn into the air. They came gradually from 14.00 WIB until the evening. Starting from the metal unit action from Bandung, Iron Voltage which brought a number of repertoires from their full album, Devastation (2022). Then BIP played various hits, such as Korslet, Koncianmu, Bintang Mereka, Aku Fat Lagi, to Pelangi Matahari. Followed by Delusive Purity, mixed with the classic thrash songs belonging to Rotor.

Jogja ROKarta also succeeded in inviting Slank to collaborate with Pay and Bongky. This small reunion was warmly welcomed and full of enthusiasm from the audience. They seem to be brought back to youth, with familiar songs.

Bongky's presence in the song Bang Bang Tut and Mawar Merah, then Pay on Suit-Suit... He.. He.. (Sexy Girl) and Sorry, Slank's appearance was filled with a thick nostalgic aura.

Overkill's appearance caught fire at night in Kridosono. New Jersey's thrash metal band, which was formed in 1980, is like bringing the atmosphere of America's East Coast into the middle of Yogyakarta. Hot, brutal, and full of energy! They performed 10 songs on the setlist that night, namely Scorsched, Electric Rattlesnake, Hello from the Gutter, The Surgeon, Ironbound, and closed withur You. An impressive first appearance!

After the event, Anas S. Alimi, founder of Rajawali Indonesia, said he was happy to be able to bring Sepultura back to Indonesia and bring Overkill for the first time here.

"Alhamdulillah, Jogja ROCKarta this year went smoothly with the support of all parties. Finally, after a long struggle, Jogja ROCKarta was able to present Sepultura and Overkill, as well as Slank's collaboration with Pay and Bongky. I am also happy that Jogja ROCKarta can present Tribute to The Legend of Metal Rotor performed by Delusive Palace. We also thank you for BIP and Iron Voltage which are part of the history of the JogjaROCKarta music concert," Anas said in his statement.

Kridosono Stadium, Yogyakarta has witnessed various important histories in the history of rock music in the country. This is all an important statement: Jogja ROKarta is still a rock festival that consistently presents international performances at affordable ticket prices. Some visitors even admit that they can't wait for another surprise to be presented by the Jogja ROCKarta Festival next year.

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