
JAKARTA - Ziva Magnolya became one of the singers who was nominated a lot at the 2023 AMI Awards. The 22-year-old singer received three nominations in the category of Best Pop Female Solo Artist, Best Pop Album and Best Collaborative Production Work.

Ziva is clearly happy with her recent achievements. Moreover, the album Magnolya (2022), which was her first album, was nominated for the AMI Awards.

"This is my first album by the way, titled Magnolya. The work includes speeding time to make an album," said Ziva Magnolya at Plaza Senayan, Central Jakarta on Thursday, September 21.

Ziva felt that the nomination for her album had become a separate award. He admitted that there was no problem if later the album from another singer won.

"Everything has won, in my opinion. Just nominated it was extraordinary, I'm really happy. It's been an award for me too," he said.

In terms of winning or losing, Ziva chose to leave his fate to God. He believes whatever the outcome is, is the best.

More than that, Ziva also assessed that every musician who was nominated already had their own characteristics.

"Praise God, I'm really happy to have this opportunity, like I didn't think it was more precise. But I just hand it over to God," said Ziva Magnolya.

"All of these musicians actually think I have their own characteristics. So, that's it, I believe in God, God knows the best," he continued.

Besides Ziva Magnolya, the nominations for Best Pop Album categories are Another Journey: The Beginning (Rossa), Fabula (Mahalini), Renung Resah (Raissa Anggiani) and Rubik (Dere).

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