
JAKARTA - Di Muhammad Devirzha alias Virzha tengah bahagia karena album terakhirnya, Ketiga mendapat penghargaan Multi Platinum Award.

The award was obtained by Virzha after a physical album released on June 8 had sold 300 thousand copies.

It can be said that Virzha is one that is still consistently releasing physical albums. His first album, Satu (2015) also received the Platinum Award.

For what is obtained from the sale of physical albums, Virzha wants to continue to do the same in the next albums.

"Probably yes (continue to release a physical album), because I'm still happy with what's called physical," said Virzha, launching the Virzha Official YouTube channel, Thursday, September 21.

For Virzha, physical albums can have many meanings. Not just to be heard, physical albums can be a collection for listeners and evidence for musicians.

"I'm still happy (with a physical album). There's proof like that, not just digital," said Virzha.

Not without reason if Virzha wants to continue releasing physical albums. He said his childhood experiences made him not want to leave the habits of musicians he had heard of.

"I was born in the music industry during the physical album era, and I don't want to leave it," said Virzha.

Still consistently releasing a physical album, Virzha did not rule out the possibility of releasing vinyl in his album release later. However, this has not been thought of.

"My vinyl hasn't yet, because I feel it's still new, so I haven't been there yet. But I don't know if later," concluded Virzha.

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