
JAKARTA - The country dangdut singer Cici Faramida will again launch her latest single, a duet with her sister, Siti Rahmawati.

Under the auspices of Musica Studios, singer Wulan Merindutu admitted that he was busy preparing the song that he was still keeping secret, both the title and the story behind the song.

"I'm preparing to bring out a new single again, a duet with Siti, so there are indeed several programs that have been contracted with Musica Studios for Cici and Siti to perform a new song, the song about whether it's still a secret," he said as quoted by Antara, Monday.

Previously, Cici Faramida and Siti Rahmawati had launched a religious song entitled Prophet Al-Rahma to coincide with the moment of Ramadan last April. Now, it seems that the brothers will re-launch the dangdut song that many fans have missed.

"Previously, we just released a song in Ramadan, yes, the song salawat with Siti, now the moment is different again," said Cici.

"God willing, it will be released as soon as possible," he added.

Furthermore, the singer who started her career in the early 90s also said that she was mixing the new single to stay in line with dangdut music in today's era.

"Maybe the preparation is how to collaborate with the song in today's era, with Siti, it's still in process," he said.

In the near future, the singer of Candu Asmara is also scheduled to appear on the stage of the 2023 Jakarta Malay Festival (JMF) at the Beach City International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta, on August 26. He will appear with his old colleagues in the dangdut music world, namely Ikke Nurjanah, Erie Suzan, Iis Dahlia, Iyeth Bustami, and Caca Handika.

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