
Chris Daughtry revealed that he had been approached by Aerosmith to replace vocalist Steven Tyler.

Aerosmith's personnel clashed with Tyler in 2009 after the frontman's canceled tour and intention to work for two years on a solo project.

Tyler then went into rehabilitation for addiction to pain loss.

Both sides stated that Tyler had never officially left Aerosmith, and Tyler's management and lawyers threatened to take legal action if Aerosmith continued to look for new vocalists for the purpose of the tour.

While appearing in the latest episode of "The Dave Rickards Podcast", Daughtry discussed collaboration with Aerosmith almost happened.

"I got this random call from [guitarist Aerosmith] Joe Perry. Joe Perry and Steven seem to be at odds. It's all in the news; it's not personal information," the former American Idol contestant revealed.

"I think the dispute really happened when Steven Tyler appeared on 'American Idol' and they didn't tour together. I thought it was like a public farewell. Joe Perry called me. I, like, 'First, I didn't know Joe Perry had my number. It's incredible.' I thought it was a joke at first, but he didn't even take the time to, like, 'How do you think?'" continued Daughtry.

"He just explained why he called me. 'And I don't know what Steven is doing, but we want to work. How do you think if we go out together? You have some cool songs that we can play too.' And I, like, 'Uh...' I can't say anything. "

"First of all, I don't think of myself as a sember singer Steven Tyler as far as I won't be able to perform those songs like the way Steven Tyler handled them. He's irreplaceable, in my mind. What's more, Steven Tyler is still alive. The whole fear of making one of my heroes angry just loomed over, and I was, like, 'There's no way I can do this, Joe.'"

Daughtry went on to say that singing to Aerosmith "is a scary concept, when words come out of the mouth of [Joe]." But he admits that "it's a story I'll hold tightly and unfortunately for the rest of my life, for sure."

Classic Rock magazine reported a few years ago that Perry also approached Paul Rodgers, Chris Cornell and Billy Idol, while representatives Sammy total denied that he had been offered a gig with Aerosmith.

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