
JAKARTA - Pop singer Justin Bieber has revealed that he has been diagnosed with a virus that has left half of his face paralyzed. Several concerts that will be performed by Justin are issued with cancellation because of his condition.

Citing Reuters on Saturday, in a video posted on Instagram, Justin said he had Ramsay Hunt syndrome, which affects the nerves in his ears and face.

This condition made Justin had to cancel his concert plans. one of the plans, Justin Bieber will visit Indonesia on the Justice tour for two days: 2 and 3 October 2022 at the Bung Karno Madya Stadium, Jakarta. Tickets are sold out as soon as sales open

Justin Bieber himself has announced that due to his current condition, he will not be able to perform the previously scheduled performances. Hours before Justice's concert tour, Justin Bieber canceled his United States tour. His inaugural concert kicks off on Tuesday, June 7 at the Scontiabank Arena, Toronto.

British facial paralysis specialist Charles Nduka said singer Justin Bieber was showing early signs of recovery after he was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt syndrome which left his face partially paralyzed.

"I noticed in the video that Bieber shared, there seemed to be some signs that he was recovering," Nduka said, as quoted by Reuters on Sunday, June 12.

Nduka explained that when experiencing facial paralysis, one of the most obvious signs is that the patient cannot close his eyes fully when blinking and cannot smile.

"Before the smile recovers, the first thing that will happen is that the face becomes more symmetrical while resting. So the bridge of the nose is often raised slightly and the mouth becomes flatter. In the video being shared, I can see some signs of early recovery," he said.

According to Nduka, about 75 percent of those with the syndrome can make a full recovery if they get treatment early.

He also reminded the importance of people working in the entertainment industry to address any issues that could weaken the immune system before returning to work. The reason, according to him, is that people who work in the industry often get pressure to return to work as soon as possible.

"They are under pressure to return to work as soon as possible. But that will only cause long-term problems," he said.

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