
JAKARTA - Hunting activities have been lasting in Batavia (now: Jakarta). The Dutch elite are the main audience. From the Governor General to the Dutch soldiers. Koningsplein (now: Monas Square) was considered a popular hunting ground. However, hunting activities were banned in 1830.

The Dutch colonial government did not run out of ideas to enliven Koningsplein. Improvements were also made. The field was turned into an entertainment center. Presenting the title of horse racing, one of them.

Most of Batavia area is wilderness. That's a fact that many people can't deny. Long ago the Dutch thought long about expanding the territory of Batavia. The threat of bandits and wild beasts is a problem. The life of the Dutch was only spent in Oud Batavia (now: Kota Tua area).

Her life is so monotonous. Entertainment is also needed to dispel the silence. Hunting wild animals is a lesson. This hunting activity was also fully supported by the Dutch trading airline, VOC. They also gave bonuses to Dutch people who managed to hunt tigers.

The Koningsplein Field racetrack, now known as Monas Field, is seen from the air. (Wikimedia Commons)

Hunting activities are eternal. Many elite Batavia groups are involved in this new hobby. They are also looking for many hunting locations. Buffelsveld which means Lapangan Banteng is a famous location. The location is just as popular as Paviljoen Square (now it is known as the only Lapangan Banteng).

Buffelsveld presents promising prey. Piles, pigs, deer, and tigers. The story of the success of the Dutch in bringing large prey from Buffelsveld is an attraction in itself. Therefore, Buffelsveld is known as one of the famous hunting places in Batavia.

Almost impossible to imagine, that in this area in 1644 people hunted tigers and bulls. Only 1830 hunting with rifles in Koningsplein was banned by the police, although up to 1853 mortar companies were still practicing shooting in this field. The field is wide but empty to make bricks, so there are many large Lawbangs full of water that buffalo likes."

So his first name is Buffelsveld, which means Lapangan Banteng. This name has been written in the Dagh register in 1659, when the Governor General of Maetsuyker was guarded strictly until the Boven naar't boven bosch was het muffelsveld, meaning to the bull field in the south of the big forest," said historian Adolf Heuken in the book Medan Merdeka: Jantung Ibu Kota RI (2008).

Horse Race

The era of the VOC's transition to the colonial government of the Dutch East Indies had a big impact on Buffelsveld. The hunting range is known by many names. Some call it Champ de Mars and the most famous is Koningsplein.

At the same time, the Netherlands began banning hunting activities in 1830. They do not want to lose. It began to be transformed into a redezress center for the Dutch. Moreover, the Coningsplein area is not far from the new Dutch government center, Weltevreden (now: the area around Lapangan Banteng).

The Netherlands also tactics. They made part of Koningsplein a race arena. In order to increase the attention of the people of Batavia, he thought. In fact, the strategy was successful in line with the growth of the Batavia-Buitenzorg Horses Association, Batavia-Buitenzorg Wedloop Societeit.

Every day the race arena is used for equestrian training of the Dutch elite. This activity does not only aim to perpetuate a hobby. It is said that equestrian training is a political diplomacy event in the Dutch East Indies. From policy bargaining to bad consensus.

The area around Koningsplein Square or what is now known as Monas Square. (Wikimedia Commons)

Coningsplein was only then crowded when the equestrian race was officially held. It is noted that two major competitions are held every year. The blasphemy often attracts the attention of many people. In fact, some of the audience not only attends from outside the region, but abroad.

The Dutch made a big profit with the presence of the celebration. Some of the advantages of the horse race were used by the rulers to donate to charity events. The presence of the horse race can also support the development of community life in a west way.

Behind the station, there is a field owned by Batavia-Buitenzorg Wedloop Societeit (Batavia-Buitenzorg Horse Association). Here twice a year there is a competition that is always crowded. Many British people from the Malacca Strait also come and participate, both by horses and without horses.

Currently, we are in the north of Koningsplein. After passing through the Batavia (benedenstad)- Buitenzorg railroad, we just realized that in the east corner of Koningsplein is not in a rectangular form, but the road here is a bit of a zigzag bend," concluded HClockener Brusson in the book Batavia Awal Abad 20 (2017).

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