
JAKARTA - Tiffany Trump uploaded several photos of her winter vacation to Instagram with the caption 'Comzy' and some emojis. In the upload, Donald Trump's daughter shared photos of food, mountain views, and several photos with her husband, Michael Boulos. Currently, the couple is looking forward to the birth of their first child.

Many fans praised Tiffany's beauty in the photos, but some netizens suspect Tiffany has performed beauty procedures to change her appearance. Some comments mention changes to her face.

"Short filler on the lips! Your lips look bigger!," wrote the netizen.

"Your face looks different, like plastic surgery" commented another netizen.

Tiffany herself has never publicly discussed plastic surgery. However, her pregnancy, which has entered its eighth month, could be the cause of her appearance change.

According to the Pregnancy, Birth, & Baby website, pregnant women's skin can look healthier and brighter, due to increased hormones and blood flow in the body. Even so, many netizens still praise his appearance.

"Nothing looks better when she is pregnant. The light on her face is amazing!" commented the netizen.

"Wow! You look so beautiful. The light from your pregnancy is so beautiful!" wrote another netizen.

"You look shining!" said another netizen.

"You are so beautiful!" said another netizen.

"He's really glowing!" continued another netizen.

Reported by VOI from the Daily Mail page on Saturday, March 22, dr. Mark Solomos, a well-known British plastic surgeon, compared Tiffany's current appearance to the first time it appeared in public.

"Tiffany has a big cheek, making it difficult to determine whether he is using filler or not. Maybe Tiffany has done a botox in the forehead, eyes and around the nose." he said.

dr. Solomos also mentioned the possibility of Tiffany undergoing lip flip procedures, namely a small botox injection around the upper lip. This is what makes Tiffany's lips look more full.

Tiffany confirmed her pregnancy in mid-December, although Donald Trump had already announced it to the public. In October 2024, Donald shared this happy news while speaking at the Detroit Economic Club. He mentioned Tiffany and Michael were an extraordinary couple and would soon become parents.

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