YOGYAKARTA In a theory, we don't need to have many friends. It's just that in the circle of friendship it's the fun if you have a role that can support and even encourage getting better. For example, if you only have seven friends, but if you have a quality character, then the circle of friendship needs to be maintained. What characters need to have in your circle of friendship? Here's an explanation.
This first character of a friend, usually has been friends since childhood so that he knows you throughout his life. He may be a place where his domicile is close or his parents are both friends. When you have a small friend who has lasted until now, there is a deep sense of comfort based on the history of old friends.
Friends who have this character, which makes you laugh in any situation, are always ready to have fun. Maybe you can call when you need time to laugh and feel free.
This third character, can continue to communicate even though it is far away and does not meet physically. Friends who can be spoken to at any time, can exchange news and discuss each other if you need input.
The character of friends you need to have in your circle of friendship, is a friend who can keep secrets and you can tell anything. This fourth friend character, can accept you as you are. He is not embarrassing and will keep the secret stored.
Friends are not limited to someone close to them, but there are also those who can be like siblings. He knows your family well and has a close relationship with your family as well.
Friends who are so important that every day give news to each other or share chat topics are one of the characters of quality friends. Parks like this, can't imagine how to live without them.
Not only friends sharing stories, friends with the seventh character, are actually a little risky. Because he knows all your problems and often helps solve them. Launching VeryWellMind, Friday, December 13, it is possible that this friendship is not balanced because of your friend or even you bear the emotional burden.
The seven friendship characters above, which one has colored your friendship circle. Please note, healthy friendship affects our mental health as well. So keep it up if it has a lot of positive influence on your personal life.
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