
JAKARTA - Ringgo Agus Rahman revealed that he was one of Yandy Laurens' inspirations in working on the film Jatuh Cinta As in the films. Apart from the good script, it turns out that this film story also reflects Ringgo in playing movies.

After a long career, Ringgo began to find a saturation point when playing movies. He admitted that he always got an offer as a comedian in the comedy genre. He even did not have time to discuss character questions several times because he was often considered just fun.

"I thought, playing the film would continue to be fun. It turned out that I was trapped in a feeling of boredom, which I thought I loved, it turned out that there was still saturation," Ringgo said at a press conference in Kuningan, Jakarta on Friday, November 24.

"Even though I've never had a comedy show on television. But I always get some directors telling me to just throw it away," he said.

Together with Yandy, Ringgo explored many of his characters so that Yandy's script also went through an overhaul when he went through the shooting process with Ringgo and Nirina Zubir.

Yandy is the person who frees me to ask as many questions as I want. And assisted by how many characters I want. In this film, I'm still fussy when shooting," said Ringgo.

"Our idea is that there are some inputs used in this film and that's how I feel when I think I'm doing it, maybe I've been hurt for a long time like working. I'll never allow my son to become an actor, because I don't think the actor is cool," he continued.

"Now, my son wants to be an actor, as long as I meet someone like Yandy, I can do it," he said again.

Ringgo Agus Rahman also wore braces for two years to improve his teeth for the sake of the JESEDEF film. However, it turns out that this scene was removed from the total film and replaced.

"He said there was a kiss scene, and the real kiss so I cleaned my teeth, until two years ago. When it was neat, it didn't even happen," said Ringgo Agus Rahman.

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