6 Best Drinks After Sports, Effectively Returning Lost Body Electrolytes
Illustration of the best drink after sports (Photo: Pixabay/Bluelightpictures)


YOGYAKARTA The best drink after exercise is the one that can restore body electrolytes. This is because the body loses a lot of sugar and electrolyte quite a lot after doing physical exercise activities.

Therefore, after exercise you need to consume drinks that can restore lost electrolytes and blood sugar levels to normal amounts.

So, what types of drinks are good for consumption after exercise? Check out the full information below.

Summarized from various sources, Saturday, November 25, 2023, the following good drinks are consumed after doing sports.

The best drink recommendation after the first sport is water. This drink can replace lost body fluids after carrying out physical exercise activities, both light, medium, and high intensity. In addition, drinking water during and after exercise can also help you maintain energy, stamina, and muscle mass.

Coconut water is one of the best drinks after exercise. This is because coconut water is very rich in electrolyte and antioxidants.

According to a study, in coconut water there is potassium (an important electrolyte that is lost in sweat that helps store carbohydrates for energy) with a total of five times more than sports drinks in general.

Therefore, coconut water can be used as a very good natural recovery drink.

Infused water is a drink made from a mixture of water and fruit that is soaked for several hours or left overnight in the refrigerator.

This type of drink is very effective in restoring lost fluids after carrying out physical exercise activities.

You can make infused water by mixing water with favorite fruits such as lemon, strawberries, or blueberries.

Semangang is a fruit with very high water content. Consuming one cup of watermelon juice can be sufficient 6 percent of the daily value of potassium, magnesium, and other electrolytes such as calcium and phosphorus.

Not only that, you can also get a source of vitamins and antioxidants from watermelon juice.

Some people may not think that chocolate milk is a good drink to eat after exercise. Originally, milk was very popular with sports lovers lifting weights or other athletes. Because it tastes good and contains lots of nutrients such as protein, calcium, and carbohydrates.

This content is needed by the body for the process of recovery and muscle development, especially after carrying out physical exercise activities with high intensity.

You can add some pieces of banana into a brown milk glass, then smooth it out using a blender. This is so that the electrolyte content becomes more.

Adapting the Ai-Care page, isotonic drinks are sports drinks designed to help replace fluids and body electrolytes that are lost during physical activity.

Isotonic drink is very popular among athletes and people who participate in intense physical activities, such as long-distance running, or team sports such as rowing.

That's information about the best drink after sports. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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