
YOGYAKARTA - Name cards are important files to exchange information with new people or relationships. Usually people will give their business cards with the aim of showing information if needed at any time, both for work, business, and so on. But is business cards still important in the digital era?

Prior to the development of digital technology, people used business cards to establish contacts or exchange information. That is why many people make business cards with attractive designs and contain clear information about the profile of themselves, work, as well as companies or businesses.

However, since the digital era like now, information exchange has been mostly done online. Professional workers and business people, of course, need to know that business cards are still important in the digital era to establish networking.

There are different views in the public regarding the use of business cards in the digital era. Some people think that the name card function is no longer needed because it has been replaced with various digital platforms. People can use digital media to provide and exchange information.

For example, you can take advantage of social media such as Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or a website to notify other people about your profile and identity. In addition, you can also use chat applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and so on to communicate directly.

However, not a few people think that business cards are still very useful as an identity to exchange information in important moments. Although the use of online platforms is considered more practical, here are some reasons why business cards are still important to use even in the digital era:

The use of a business card can make you look more professional when exchanging information or establishing relationships with other people. Especially if the moment of giving your name card is done in the context of business or work. People who receive a business card will judge that you are a person who is serious about running work and business.

Instead of exchanging information digitally, giving a business card is also more memorable and personal. By using a business card to establish a relationship, you can give a memorable first impression in the eyes of a relationship or someone else.

Recipients of your name card will judge that you are serious and respectful in a relationship. This step will make you more remembered at the first meeting. Clients are easier to remember your name, face, business or work after the meeting.

Not a few people think that exchanging contact through digital platforms is an unethical act. Some people feel less respected when asked to get acquainted by showing or asking their social media. By giving a business card, others will feel more respected or respected.

The use of a business card when introducing yourself also shows a ready attitude in you. When you have brought a business card, you will be judged as a person who is professionally ready in various conditions. For example, when at a certain event or moment you suddenly meet important people.

By preparing a business card, you just need to take it from your wallet or pocket to give it to someone else. So you don't have to bother taking out your phone to exchange contacts or show your digital profile.

The existence of a business card is also useful when you experience an emergency. For example, when you are experiencing a disaster, such as loss of goods, accidents, and getting lost on the way. You can use a business card to provide your information. In addition, your business card can also be used to notify other people who may know and can help you.

That's the answer to the importance of business cards in the digital era? Although currently more people use digital platforms to exchange information practically, the use of business cards is still very useful for business or professional work.

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