
JAKARTA - Recently, singer Mulan Jameela was seen uploading a video on her personal Instagram account. However, in the upload Mulan talked about the life test.

"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. This video was taken when we had just passed a big storm. A test that brought wisdom to us to strengthen each other and try to be better in the eyes of Allah," wrote Mulan Jameela, quoted by VOI from her personal Instagram, Friday, November 17.

Furthermore, Mulan reminded her children to always be strong in facing the tests given by Allah.

"Every human being must be tested with different levels, my children. Strengthen yourself to face the test of life by holding on to Allah SWT," he continued.

Seeing this, on one occasion, Mulan tried to clarify her upload. He said that at that time he was only remembering the past when he was in a difficult time.

"That's all about the past. If I post a lot like our stories, we've had times like that, it's a difficult time, right, it's more like a throwback," explained Mulan Jameela in the Ampera area, South Jakarta, Thursday, November 16.

This is not the first time that Ahmad Dhani's wife has done this, but what is certain is that she does not have any intention but as a reminder to always remember difficult times.

"I often like that, I don't mind, I don't have any intentions. It's just like sometimes people above have to remember when we were below," said Mulan.

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