
JAKARTA - Yasamin Jasem again graced the big screen with his latest horror film titled Kultus Devil directed by Bobby Prasetyo. The plan is for this film to be released on November 2.

On one occasion, Yasamin explained some of the difficulties he experienced during the filming process. He admitted that he was scared when he read the script for the first time.

"If I'm more or less the same, the first fear is that when the script is quite intense but scene two, the fun is only scene one, the other is no longer fun," said Yasamin Jasem in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Thursday, October 26.

"We are pretty good at how to notes the stages that Raka and Naya experienced and it turned out that during filming, because we demand it will be easier," Yasamin continued.

In addition, this 19-year-old woman expressed another difficulty that she had to face, namely the existence of a synthetic finger used. This made Yasamin have to break the focus between the scenes and guard the protest finger.

"Maybe for Naya's character herself she physically has 11 fingers if the notis is more technical, how can I focus on doing scenes while I still have to be aware of the prosthetics in my hands," he said.

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