5 Years Of Acting Vacuum, Verlita Badminton Returns Through The Film I Miss
Verlita happened (Instagram/@verlitaevelyn)


JAKARTA - After five years of vacuum, actress Verlitamen returned to play a film called Aku Rindu directed by Key Mangunsong. The film will air on 19 October. On one occasion, Verlita explained her reasons for returning to playing in the world of acting.

Verlita said that after getting married and having children, Verlita was indeed more selective in choosing a job. He admitted that he was too comfortable carrying out his duties as a wife and mother at home even though he often felt he missed acting again.

"With the reality that is in Indonesia, especially in our environment. The condition of the children is indeed rich, this is clearly my first debut after I have been on hiatus for more than 5 years, so after marriage and having children, I am very selective in choosing a job," said Verlita

"So because I was mostly at home taking care of my children, that's the previous mother. Then it's fun, I ended up enjoying it at home, even though the feeling of missing filming was there and I met Ms," he continued.

Even so, when offered to play in this film, Verlita admitted that she seemed to be called to play her character as Lailani. Because for him this film has many messages, especially social messages and education related to the East Nusa Tenggara region, Kupang.

"I read the story, met with the original character and family, how come someone is connected, meaning like being called up, wanting to take this role," said the mother of two children.

"Because for me this film message has education, the social is there, then there is the opportunity to play with the original NTT children, Kupang. So that's a new experience for me," he concluded.

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