
YOGYAKARTA - When it comes to rest, of course most people will immediately say "sleep", so it's only natural that many think that's because sleeping is one of the ways to rest. But is there any type of rest other than sleep?

In fact, this is what Dr said. Saundra Dalton-Smith went to his theory that in fact there are 7 important types of rest that the body needs other than sleep.

In his book entitled Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Rene Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity in 2017, presents the idea that we all need 7 different important types of rest to feel fully alive and become ourselves.

These types of rest are obtained from the results of exploration and finding various patients who complain that they feel tired even though they are asleep.

First of all, you must recognize special characteristics if you need a break. After that, you can sort out the type of rest as needed.

1. Physical rest

Of course, the first type of rest is rest. Body signals require physical rest, including feeling lethargic, sleepy or even brain aches.

The type of exercise rest is not just sleeping, here. You can also hold a restorative stretching such as yoga, massage to the simple one, such as taking a deep breath and taking a break from bowing in front of the computer.

2. Mental rest

Even though you have applied physical rest, the mind can still be active and tired. This is the time for you to apply mental rest. The signal that the body needs mental rest is to run out of concentration, feel cynical, apathy, let alone experience 'brain fog'.

Well, what can be tried when taking mental rest is to rule out thoughts and worries, meditation, calming internal conversations so that they rest, playing music, releasing themselves from gadgets, all these breaks can be taken within 5 minutes.

3. Rest Sensory

Like the body's muscles, seeing the computer screen running always, exposed to noise pollution from the streets or offices that are busy on schedule can apparently make your senses tired.

One of the characteristics that you need to rest sensoryly, namely headaches to disturbances and feeling overwhelmed. The trick to rest is to remove digital equipment, close your eyes and go to something quiet to share peace for a moment.

4. Creative Rest

Creativity in one person can also be used excessively. Moreover, it can create a deadlock in producing works. Well, the method of making creative rest is to go to a quiet place or full of natural beauty to other people's art performances in order to get something really new and interesting for us.

5. Emotional Rest

How, really, do you sign that you need emotional rest? Among other things, there is mental anxiety pressure, feeling unappreciated until angry. Not only the negative ones, let alone positive emotions can also cause fatigue.

Well, what can be tried for this emotional rest by controlling emotional well-being to introspection in order to create a center of thought and check your own emotional needs and boundaries.

6. Social rest

Sometimes, we need, you know, social rest in the bonds of fellow humans. In every bond there is an exchange of energy and attention; sometimes we accept from others, sometimes we give. But if you always feel overwhelmed by other people's demands against you, or keep giving it, it could be time to take a social break.

Social rest methods can be reversed while from interactions, start asking for encouragement from others to draw boundaries around the relational dynamics that consume our energy.

7. Rest Spiritually

There are people who, although in excellent body conditions, still experience some kind of deep fatigue in life, including often questioning food for life. At such a time, spiritual rest can be needed to allow the human soul to be connected to a source of well-being and the most basic meaning. So that it can feel in line with the goals of our lives, and recognize that we are part of something bigger and more meaningful than ourselves.

The method for carrying out this break is to start praying again, reading holy books, becoming volunteers, exploring meditation, retreats to working hard on missions that are close to the heart.

Live an important type of rest above, so that you can restore your spirits and return to prime in your day.

So after knowing 7 types of rest other than sleep, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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