YOGYAKARTA "Have you ever felt dizzy after drinking coffee? This condition can be triggered for various reasons, either for health reasons or because from the side of the type of coffee. To find out, see the following article.
Quoted from AI Care, coffee drinks contain caffeine, namely natural stimulant compounds. Caffeine is useful for stimulating the central nervous system to increasing alertness and concentration. Coffee is also often used to help focus and maintain it.
Despite having some good benefits, sometimes drinking coffee actually causes dizziness. Some of the causes of dizziness after drinking coffee are as follows.
Coffee types with caffeine are too strong also trigger dizziness. One type of high caffeine coffee is Arabica which has a high acid level. Acid and caffeine in Arabica coffee will cause nerve disorders in the head and trigger stomach pain.
The cafe contained in coffee causes narrowing of blood vessels. When that happens, the flow of blood will change and cause a saki head. The narrowing itself is because a person is quite sensitive to caffeine or it could also be due to certain types of caffeine.
Coffee can indeed be consumed, but still in limited quantities. This means that you are not advised to drink too much coffee in a day. The limit for drinking coffee in a day is ideally four glasses or 400 mg of caffeine in healthy adults. Meanwhile, in pregnant women, coffee is limited to a maximum of 200 mg of caffeine per day. A person who consumes too much coffee will have an impact on health problems, one of which arises a feeling of dizziness.
Coffee drinking habits will also have a dizzy impact after drinking coffee. This is triggered because the body is still very sensitive to caffeine, especially if the coffee you drink is quite a lot with strong caffeine content.
Caffeine in drinks has a diuretic effect so warrants will often urinate. The amount of wasted urine causes dehydration to trigger dizziness. Therefore, when you drink a lot of coffee, it is recommended to balance it with water so that the body's fluids remain adequate.
Quoted from AI Care, caffeine withdrawal or caffeine break is a symptom that you will feel when you decide to reduce or stop consuming caffeine suddenly. This condition usually occurs in people who usually drink coffee every day and then suddenly stop. Meanwhile, the dizziness that occurs when caffeine anddrawal occurs is because coffee warrants will experience narrowing of blood vessels. When caffeine is stopped, blood flow to brain vessels will increase dramatically. The blood pressure triggers dizziness.
No need to worry if you experience dizziness after drinking coffee. There are several ways that can be done to relieve the dizziness, namely as follows.
Those are some of the causes of dizziness after drinking coffee. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.
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