
YOGYAKARTA Cylindrical eyes or astigmatism are eye refraction disorders because the surface arch of the Kremlin is not perfect. This disorder can be experienced by anyone, both children and adults. However, the characteristics of the cylindrical eye in children and adults are different. For the full explanation, see the following article.

What Is Silinder's Eye?

Quoted from Ai-Care, cylindrical eyes are one of the disorders of eye refraction, where light enters the eyes cannot be clearly focused. This is caused by several factors, one of which is an abnormal form of the cornea.

Astigmatic sufferers have a curved eye shape resembling the back of the spoon. When light enters the eyes, light is irradiated unevenly, more in one direction than the other. Because light cannot focus precisely on any distance, the view will look blurry and wavy.

A person can experience astigmaticism in either one eye or both. In addition, the curvature of the eye can change so that astigmatism can increase or decrease over time.

It has been mentioned above, the characteristics of cylindrical eyes in children and adults are different. Symptoms of cylindrical maata in children are in the form of difficulty focusing on reading writing on a book. Children who suffer from astigmatism can also feel headaches, tensions in the eyes, and fatigue.

While in adults, the symptoms of cylindrical eyes that the sufferer may feel are as follows:

Cylindrical eye sufferers, both children and adults often do not realize that they are experiencing astigmaticism. So that not a few sufferers allow it for a long period of time. Therefore, in order to avoid the eyes of the cylinder, try to immediately do an eye check when you feel symptoms.

Causes of Silinder's Eyes

Cylindrical eye disease is often passed down from the elderly. In addition, cylindrical eyes can also be caused by eye disease such as keratoconus (eyeconnea thinning and long standing out, such as conical shape), eye injury or impact after eye surgery.

The risk of cylindrical eyes can increase due to the following factors:

How To Overcome Silinder's Eyes

When you have cylindrical eyes, there are several ways you can do to make vision better, including:

This is information about the characteristics of the cylindrical eye in children and adults along with symptoms and how to overcome it. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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