
JAKARTA - Beaten by a child when he is angry or tantrums can cause shame, disappointment, and annoying for some parents. Not to mention the concern that this behavior is a sign that parents fail to educate their children.

However, there is no need to worry. Children's habits that hit when tantrums will end with the age of their little ones. And, before this behavior is over, the parents' response to the child's stroke is the key so that the habit does not drag on.

Adapted by VOI from the Very Well Family page, Wednesday, October 11, here are five tips for parents when responding to children who like to hit when they are angry.

Create rules in the house that prioritize respect. Make it clear that hitting, kicking, biting, or physical aggressive actions are not allowed at home. Make rules in a positive way if possible. Instead of saying, "Don't hit", say, "use a touch of affection." Talk to the child about regulations to make sure he understands the consequences if he violates the rules.

If children know the rules but keep hitting, use the following consequences to prevent them from hitting again.

Time out or time-in: For some children, time-out or time-in can be the most effective way to prevent hitting behavior again. Time-out teaches children how to calm down and keep them away from the environment. It's important to teach children how to organize themselves during this quiet period.

Loss of special things: If time out doesn't work, try other consequences. Eliminating privileges can be an effective disciplinary strategy. Limit children access certain electronic or toy items for 24 hours, or less than that depending on the age of the child. The younger the child, the less time it takes to stay away from his favorite object.

Restitution: Ask your child to do additional tasks at home or ask him to draw for you as a way to make up for his mistakes.

In addition, strengthening good behavior with positive consequences can encourage children to stop hitting. For example, giving a gift to your little one for using a'soft touch' instead of hitting.

You can also praise your child when he's patient when he's angry. When he hugs you after tantrums, say how much you like a sweet touch like a hug. Also, praise your little one when he listens to you and stop hitting.

It's not enough if you just tell your child not to hit. Teach also the skills of managing anger in children. Encourage the child to read books, draw, take a deep breath, or go to his room when he feels angry.

Teach children about emotions, such as sadness and disappointment. Discuss the importance of dealing with these feelings in the right way and helping him find strategies that address his emotions safely.

If you use a blow as a punishment, your child will be confused about why you can hit while he doesn't. Instead of teaching self-control, hitting actually increases children's aggressiveness.

The child learns more about the behavior of what he sees from his parents, not from what he hears from his parents. Example the behavior you want to see in your child. Show him tactics to deal with anger, sadness, and disappointment in a socially appropriate way.

Usually, 2-year-olds like to hit. If you have a child who is older, a preschooler, or a very aggressive toddler, look for professional help. Talk about your concerns with pediatricians. Pediatricians may refer to children undergoing evaluations to help determine the cause of aggression and the solution to it.

Sometimes a fundamental problem can cause children to become aggressive. For example, children with ADHD are more likely to hit frequently. At other times, children with cognitive or developmental delays may hit because they do not have the ability to use words or regulate their encouragement.

Remember, a child hitting can also be used as a manipulation tool. Sometimes a child hits to get what they want. The child who hits the mother when her mother says no, may hope this aggressive action will change her mind.

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