
YOGYAKARTA A leading emotional expert said emotions were labeled negative because they had harmful consequences. Of course, with a note that if these emotions are expressed inappropriately. Such as anger, fear, distress, sadness, sadness, shame, and guilt, it could be properly expressed.

According to professor at the Department of Psychology, State University of New Jersey, Richards Contrada, Ph.D., there is a lot of opinion that emotions reflect an evolved mechanism. At one time, emotions have adaptive value for humans. Reviewing Contrada reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, October 11, he noted that a philosopher is attracted to anger. Which anger sometimes benefits individuals and society. As a destructive force that is often judged as bad, it also has the potential for good purposes. Like when expressing true and sincere anger in response to violations. This can have a good impact on society.

Vigilance also needs to be a guide when expressing anger. To be sure, anger needs to be seen widely, not because they don't like other people, then they can express anger at will because of the difference of understanding. According to Contrada, anger can also adhere to moral principles. That is, it is not seeing other people's mistakes that cause us to be angry, but also looking at ourselves holding on to moral principles. Well, reflecting on this anger, it can remind us to live according to our own standards and then behave appropriately.

Negative emotions can also be a source of information. Which if anger can be a response to alleged violations of standards in judging right and wrong. So, some of the benefits of such responses, to warn us of possible violations of beliefs and important values committed by oneself and others. Plus, anger or other negative emotions can encourage critical evaluation of the principles involved. The third benefit of negative emotions can help us decide whether the principles we hold really provide a valid basis for assessing behavior.

Apart from being a source of information, negative emotions also involve motivation. Motivation, in turn, can translate emotional feelings, represented judgments, and take action into account. Through these benefits, emotions can direct and enhance or reduce the available energy for good behavior.

In closing, Contrada explains that many factors can contribute to utilizing negative emotions to be good goals. Including the desired conditions, the way of life, the actual conditions that are not appropriate, the internal standards, and the emotional intensity that we experience.

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