
JAKARTA - Vidi Aldiano or now who has the stage name VIDI has just released his latest single titled 'w u at' which specifically collaborated with South Korean producers to present this song. In producing this song, VIDI was assisted by G-High from Monotree, which was once known for his work with the legendary Korean duo, LOONA.

On one occasion, VIDI told about the initial idea of this song. He explained that this song was inspired by his wife, Sheila Dara, who likes to disappear without news.

"Actually, where am I looking for my partner, because this is based on personal experience? Yes. Sheila Dra, friends are someone who is very, very difficult to find, if for example, she is working at the likes of missing, I don't know where to go, I don't tell her, so I like 'where do you go?'," said VIDI at Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Friday, October 6.

"And that's something I often ask, 'Where are you, where are you?' because he never told me, I like to tell him, and I'm always like 'aaaah', only he never told me where except I asked him, it's a mess, right," he continued.

This song is the second song that VIDI specifically offers to his wife Sheila Dara. Previously, VIDI had composed and released a song called 'Dara' on their wedding day.

But the funny thing happened when VIDI asked Sheila's opinion about this song. Again, Sheila only gave a flat response, namely by giving a thumbs up to VIDI.

"There is a movement in this song, the choreography that I input will respond to Sheila Dara. Every time I release my song, she always releases if it's good she just says (good with a thumbs up) so it's like 'Good', next 'Good job'," he said.

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