
YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever heard of a desminor or experienced it? So, what do you think is desmenore? and what is the explanation like.

Dismenore is a term used to describe complaints of painful cramps and usually arises during menstruation or menstruation. Dismenore is one of the problems with menstruation that is very common to complain about.

The woman who faces a primary dysmenore has an unnatural contraction of the uterus. This is due to chemical imbalance in the body. For example, prostaglandin chemicals that control the contraction of the uterus.

Meanwhile, secondary dysmenore is caused by other medical conditions, one of which is endometrosis. This situation takes place because endometrium tissue is embedded outside the uterus. Endometrosis can cause internal bleeding, inflammation, and pelvic pain.

There are 2 types of dysmenore, including:

This condition is not caused by problems in the reproductive organs. This condition is usually caused by an increase in the hormone prostaglandin, which is made in the lining of the uterus. The increase in prostaglandin stimulates contraction from the uterus or uterus. Naturally, the uterus tends to have stronger contractions during menstruation. This contraction of the uterus can cause pain complaints.

Not only that, contraction of the uterus which is very sturdy can suppress the surrounding blood vessels and cause a lack of blood flow to muscle tissue from the uterus. If this muscle tissue experiences a lack of oxygen due to lack of blood supply, tenuous complaints can arise.

This situation is caused by pathology in the reproductive organs. Various conditions that can lead to secondary dysmenore complaints are:

Dismenore Risk Factor

There are many things that can increase the risk of experiencing menstrual pain, including:

Symptoms Of Dismenore

In fact, the symptoms of dysmenore can vary in every woman. However, in general the most distinctive signs and symptoms of the dysmenore, namely:

For some women, they also experience several other symptoms that appear simultaneously before or when the menstrual cycle arrives. Here are other comorbidities that women often complain about during menstruation:

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