Comedian Tukul Arowana still has to lie sick due to a brain hemorrhage in 2021 which eventually requires the presenter to carry out surgery. On one occasion, Tukul's close friend, Vega Darwanti, explained about Tukul's current condition.
Vega said that he was still communicating with Tukul's children, namely Egha and Vita. Even so, he still took the time to visit to see the progress of his colleague's recovery. Unfortunately Vega said that until now Tukul had not been able to communicate smoothly.
"If you communicate, yes, through Mas Tukul's son, Mas Egha or Vita. You always want to know because you also want to know how the progress is, so always communicate, but Mas Tukul's communication has not been smooth," said Vega Darwanti in the Mampang area, South Jakarta, Sunday, September 24.
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Even so, Vega ensured that the 59-year-old man's condition was much better. Until now Vega said that Tukul still had to carry out physiotherapy accompanied by nurses and family.
"Mas Tukul is still fisiotherapy and there are nurses who continue to assist and the family continues to take care of it," Vega continued.
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