
YOGYAKARTA Not all jobs are suitable for an introvert. So it's no wonder that they are more selective in choosing a job. This is done so that they can work comfortably without any disturbances. Then, what are the jobs suitable for introverts?

Quoted from the Siloamhospitals website, introverts are one type of personality that will pay special attention to comfort, both in mind and feeling. Introverts are different from shy andgoty. They prefer loneliness, but can adjust if they have to live in a crowded social environment.

Unlike extroverts who are always excited to meet new people or work in groups, introverts will choose to work alone and independently.

With this definition, it can be concluded that introvert people will certainly choose jobs that do not require them to intersect with others. Some of the jobs suitable for introverts are as follows.

For people introverts, job officers are quite coveted because they will have plenty of time to live alone. Even if they have to intersect with visitors, they don't have to spend time with other people. In fact, they are quite whispering when talking to other people while in the library.

Writing activity for an introvert is quite fun because they can express themselves without having to involve other people in large numbers. They can write anything, such as novels, poetry, or ad texts. The authors also work individually so they don't involve the team with a lot of members.

A programmer will spend more of their time with computers, laptops, or other electronic devices as long as they are connected to the internet. This job spends a lot of time in the workspace. Even though they have to communicate with other teams, programmers can choose to talk through applications such as WhatsApp, Google Meets, and so on.

An introvert usually has greater creative power than the others. They often think out of the box, because of that many introverts do artistic work such as painters, singers, illustrators, musicians, and many more.

It is not impossible for an introvert to prefer to intersect with animals rather than humans. A zookeper will be responsible for training animals, raising baby animals, paying attention to their food, and much more. For a zookeeper job introvert is the perfect job.

Accountants are jobs related to financial figures such as recording profits, detecting potential losses, conducting financial analysis, and much more. Introverts will work independently with paper containing data and numbers.

A chef will spend more time in the kitchen processing cooking ingredients. A chef will intersect with fewer humans than other jobs such as an MC or work that makes them a public concern.

That's information related to work suitable for introverts. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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