JAKARTA - Nagita Slavina has looked different lately. He is seen often wearing glasses in various activities, including when he is exercising.
Not just a style, this was revealed by Ayu Dewi through her latest video. He said Nagita Slavina wore glasses due to injury.
"So Gigi just got injured, that's why she always wears glasses. Why?" asked Ayu Dewi in her latest video.
"Kena bola tenis minggu lalu," jawab Nagita Slavina.
Nia Ramadhani, who is in the video, is trying to encourage Nagita Slavina. He thought it was a natural thing.
"It's okay, I think it's an athlete," said Nia Ramadhani.
Ayu Dewi also explained that the cinema of the eyes of the mother of two children was hit by a tennis ball. Nagita even felt like she was stabbed.
"The inside was torn by two millimeters, the cinema but fortunately it didn't bleed," said Ayu Dewi.
"It's not bleeding, but it feels like he's been stabbed and can't open his eyes and tears come out. It's like a slip but his slip looks like a glass, a beling," continued Nagita Slavina.
The moment was recorded before they played tennis together. Ayu Dewi had said Nagita was a strong person.
"But fortunately he is already strong. He's just lying in his eyes," said Ayu Dewi.
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