
JAKARTA - Ferry Irawan admitted that he had moved on from his ex-wife, Venna Melinda. They officially divorced on August 3 at the South Jakarta Religious Court after getting married for approximately 1 year.

Ferry admitted that he wanted his life to continue. He did not want to focus only on one point. Therefore, he chose to move on from his divorce.

"God willing, because I live, I must continue to walk, I cannot be stuck at one point. For me, I have to move on," said Ferry Irawan in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Tuesday, September 19.

This 45-year-old man admits that he already has a new lover. However, he did not want to be too reckless in a relationship because he did not want to disappoint his mother again.

"Meanwhile, there is something called patience, there is. This time I don't want to be careless, I also prefer to ask for his blessing for this one because I am afraid that he will disappoint him again," he continued.

Despite experiencing unpleasant incidents in the past with Venna Melinda, Ferry explained that he did not feel traumatized in the relationship. He believes that what will be his will definitely be given.

"So even if that's the case, I can't have any trauma, because even the life mate of fortune has been regulated in the hands of God, it won't shift at all. When it's time for me, God will determine that," he added.

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