
JAKARTA - Dress is one of the types of clothing worn by women if you want to look feminine or girly. The choice of the dress shape is also varied and the price is very varied. There is a cheap dress up to an expensive one from well-known brands. Of course, it can be adjusted to their respective budgets. Of the many dress models, one of them that has been on the rise in the last few years is bodycon dress. For those who are not too familiar, it is a dress that is designed to fit and adjust the body shape. Regarding its size, there is a short one, myi, up to length. The ingredients used to make this bodycon dress are mostly those that are smooth like spandek. So even though it is tight, it remains comfortable to use for various events. For those of you who want to appear more confident in bodycon dress, here is the inspiration or the idea of mix and match when wearing it.

Bodycon Dress Plus Heels Increases the impression of a feminim when wearing a bodycon dress, don't hesitate to combine it with heels or high heels. There are so many types of high heels that can be selected, ranging from stylettos, wedges, pumps, ankle straps, platforms, kitten heels, pep toe heels, to mules. When choosing high heels, make sure they are comfortable when used. The trick is to choose the right size. If you have enough budget, you can buy high heels from the brands The quality is famous. As with Tom Ford, Michael Kors, Christian Louboutin, and so on. Bodycon Dress Plus Belt If you wear a bodycon dress without a motive or plain, you can add a belt as an accessory. Additional belts will also make your waist curve more display. Types of belts are also varied, choose the best fit. Meanwhile, for your own color, you can choose the same color. Bodycon Dress Plus Long OuterCauca is not an obstacle to still wearing bodycon dress, You can combine it with a long outer. So here bodycon dress as an inner. Even so, long outer can be removed at any time according to needs. Long outer choices are also diverse, long cardigan, long blazer, up to swing coat. Long outer addition will also make the style with bodycon not monotonous. Regarding the long outer length size chosen, it can reach the knee or almost the ankle. For footwear, if you are present to a semi-formal and formal event can use heels. However, for casual events, you can wear a sneaker. Bodycon Dress Plus Skin Jacket Meanwhile, if you are someone who likes to dress up Edgy look or something unique, you can match bodycon dress with leather jackets. Adding the casual impression, usually the chosen one is a black leather jacket. However, it is possible if you are wearing another color leather jacket. On footwear, if you still want to appear feminimously with a blend of bodycon dress plus jacket skin, you can use pump heels or even a stimulus. But on the other hand, if you want to look boyish, you can choose footwear like boots. Just choose the most comfortable to wear at the event that was attended. Other Bodycon Dress Plus Oversized ShirtStyle is a bodycon dress with an oversized shirt. This combination of clothes is widely worn for various casual events. For example, go to the mall, hang out at the cafe, to go to the beach. If you feel hot, oversized shirts can Just tie it to the waist or remove it. Combination of the motive can be adjusted to each other's style. For example, if the bodycon dress that is worn is plain, you can choose an oversized shirt motif. And vice versa, if you use a patterned bodycon dress, you can combine it with an innocent oversized shirt. Regarding footwear, you can boots or sneakers.

Bodycon Dress Plus Denim JacketSatu lagi inspirasinya, Anda bisa mengombinasikan bodycon dress dengan jaket denim. Mix and match satu ini sangat cocok untuk berbagai acara yang kasual bersama dengan teman-teman. Anda bisa pakai jaket denim seperti biasa, diikatkan ke pinggang, dan bisa juga dipakai tanpa memasukkan tangan.Untuk style satu ini, banyak wanita memilih bodycon dress hitam dipadu dengan jaket denim. Itu merupakan kombinasi paling aman dan anti gagal. Namun bagi Anda yang gemar melakukan eksplorasi, bisa pilih warna warna yang lebih berani. Misalnya saja pakai bodycon dress warna merah dengan denim atau warna lainnya yang lebih mencolok.Itulah inspirasi styling saat menggunakan bodycon dress. Supaya Anda tetap nyaman saat pakai bodycon dress, pastikan ukurannya pas dan bahannya juga terbaik. Supaya bisa dapatkan banyak pilihan, Anda bisa mencari-cari terlebih dahulu merek atau model bodycon dress di berbagai marketplace seperti Blibli.Belanja bodycon dress atau jenis pakaian lainnya di Blibli sangat mudah. Anda akan mendapatkan informasi yang jelas dan pilihannya banyak. Apalagi, Blibli juga memberikan banyak sekali promosi sehingga Anda bisa dapatkan harga terbaik. Baik itu dress murah, jaket diskon atau lainnya, segera belanja di Blibli saja yang banyak untungnya! (adv)

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