
YOGYAKARTA Uninvolved parenting style is a parenting style characterized by low response and demands. This is considered an negligent parenting style and is not involved in the lives of their children. In the sense that the parents do not meet basic and emotional needs. Parents who carry out this parenting also do not set boundaries or do not discipline their children.

In addition to the parenting style identified by Diana Baumrind in the 1950s, including authoritative parenting, authoritarian parenting, and permissive parenting, in 1983 Maccoby and Martin added the 4th type of parenting, namely uninvolved parenting. This parenting style is not involved or ignores the basic needs of their children. Characteristics of uninvolved parenting parenting, including the following:

According to research reported by Parenting for Brain, Thursday, September 14, children who experience this parenting are twice as likely to commit physical violence.

The reason why parents apply uninvolved parenting is because they come from dysfunctional families and receive care that is considered negligent. Those who run also tend to have mental health problems such as depression and alcohol addiction. In addition, another common cause is a history of drug abuse in the family.

The researchers found that many parents are addicted to being raised by the addicted parents themselves (up to 83%) and neglected during childhood (up to 55%)4. Addicted parents who have antisocial personality characteristics and choose a partner who tends to abuse drugs or other mental health problems have a higher risk of being negligent.

The impact of this parenting, makes children tend to experience bad luck. This negligent parenting, can also have a negative impact on children's development and well-being. The bad effects include more impulsive and less controllable, underperforming in schools, low emotional control skills, low self-esteem, mood disorders, and tend to develop border personality disorder.

It is important to understand that busy parents are not necessarily parents who are negligent. Some parents have a busy job. But they can allocate special time to spend with their children. They can also show interest in their child's life. Besides also creating emotional relationships when spending time together, although not too often. Uninvolved parenting, can be avoided if you consider the quality of quantity in building healthy parental relationships.

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